VIBES. Seems that good energies are returning to my life -finally-! 

Last week I had some reasons to celebrate! If I have celebrate them for real?!? Not AT ALLL. But I'm working on it, or planing it, or hoping for some good company to enjoy with!!! Don't blame me. I'm planning to move to the new place in the end of this month, so I have lots and lots of errands to do. BTW do you have some tips for a good dinner/party, when you are at that moment you just moved in and everything is chaos?

I leave you with a brief portfolio of some highlights of my last week.
(For more, check out my instagram profile)

Even if its blurry, it was my sister's birthday party and I could not but put it! =)

My grandma is the sweetest writing down some congratulation message =)

The best sushi in town and surroundings.

 PhD on the GO!

Please continue to be good to me 2014! :D


Jéssica said…
Olha meeee :p
Phd on the gooooo!!!
Susana Araújo said…
Claro tu tinhas que estar (ainda que desfocada)! :P
Fico contente por gostares :)